Monday, January 5, 2015

Mashups for Teens: From Sleeping Beauty to Beyonce by Melissa Wilson

Mashups for Teens: From Sleeping Beauty to Beyonce (Masters Mashups Series)Mashups for Teens: From Sleeping Beauty to Beyonce by Melissa Wilson
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

The author spent the whole book explaining mashups, and including a detailed explanation of her choice of Aurora and Beyonce and why they were ‘mashedup’ together, but she never actually writes a ‘mashup story’. The author actually describes Beyonce’s life as ‘hard’ because it’s not easy to be successful in the music business and then goes on to retell the story of sleeping beauty “in case anyone is not familiar with the story.” From the description I thought this would be a story mixing the two, but the author spends the whole time time explaining about Aurora and Beyonce and why they should be mashed up, that she never really mashes them up. It was not at all what I expected and I actually only skimmed through the last half of the book, which detailed Beyonce’s top ten songs and the fact that the horns on Angelina Jolie’s head for the character Maleficent were very heavy. It is clear the author is a fan of Beyonce and Disney films, and it could have been a fun story idea, but there was no actual story included. It reads more like a compare contrast essay from high school and not a story. Sorry, but I would not recommend this book to anyone.

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